Poem A Day Challenge April 30, 2019

Hurrah! It's done! Thirty poems in thirty days!

While singing last night at the drop in choir I go to, I wondered if I could possibly write a poem that expressed what singing with others is like. At home later on, I came up with this draft. 


Can anyone write a poem
About how it feels to sing?
Music's a universal code,
With no words for this thing.

Soprano, alto, soar above
Bass and baritone below,
A holy commune of vocal range
From which the sacred grows.

We the lowly warblers,
Let harmony feed our souls,
And head on home into the night,


  1. We did it! I was SO relieved this morning after I wrote that last poem. I need a break from poetry! I am hoping to keep up the daily writing, but not anything I have to publish. It's interesting how hard it is to write poems that capture physical expression like song or dance. I really like "holy commune" here.

  2. I love your final verse, so true, Cheriee: "We the lowly warblers,/Let harmony feed our souls,". I sang in my high school, then college choir long ago, still remember some of the songs! I'm glad we read each others' posts, and happy you'll continue on Poetry Friday! Congrats for writing every day all the month. I did love your stories very much.
