Water is Water by Miranda Paul & Jason Chin (illustrator)

This is one of the titles I've previewed this summer in preparation for a unit on the hydrosphere that some teachers at our school are planning for the fall. 

Through poetry, Miranda Paul takes the reader through the water cycle, and in the process, the different configurations of water across a year. I liked the pattern that emerged as the poem progresses, with each refrain connecting to the next form. This repetition will engage younger (and older) readers and excite them into trying to guess what comes next. 

Pour me a cup.
it heats up.

Watch it curl by.
Steam is steam unless

Jason Chin's illustrations are flat out glorious, making this book irresistible for readers who are fans of non-fiction picture books as well as everyone else. What is important about them is that they assert, and make personal, our connection to water in all its expressions. 


I appreciated the more detailed section at the end that delivers scientific information about each aspect of water revealed in the book. Another page gives examples of what percentage of different living things are water. There are other interesting facts in there as well. 
Did you know that people can only drink 1% of the water on earth? If that fact doesn't get us thinking about conservation, I don't know what will. 

This is a fabulous title for my younger readers, and will be an interesting introductory text for the older ones. It is in my shopping cart!

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