#aprpad 04/2/2019

Every gardener knows that some plants thrive after pruning. I discovered that the harder I go at it, the better the results later on. Some day I will learn how to prune the plum tree properly. 

early garden

bring on spring rain
raspberry, rose and fig
have felt the
no pain, no gain
of my shears

bloom and bud
born of tender twig
wait while
roots jiggity dig
into warm mud

no more they warn
my hands
scarred by,
but not scared of
a few thorns


  1. Love the crisp language in your poem, Cheriee. "roots jiggity dig" is especially nice!

  2. This seemed to call to me to read aloud, Cheriee, and its "sounds" are lovely, "bring on spring rain"! I love your intro about the pruning, too. Persistence!
