Nothing Happens In This Book by Judy Ann Sadler & Vigg (Illustrations)

This starts out pretty boring. There are dark pages with nothing but a few speech bubbles warning us that this book has nothing in it. 

Then tantalizing Clues appear:

a striped ball,

a shiny shoe,

a red nose.

The clues continue to add up, building suspense.

Finally our narrator begins to realize that something just might be about to happen. He continues collecting these bits and pieces that he finds. In the end not only does the book end up with a lot in it, he ends up being a hero and becoming part of the final event!

This book will be a lot of fun to read to children who will enjoy predicting what all of these different clues mean. In the end they are certain to agree that everything happens in this book! 

I can imagine this book becoming a family and classroom favourite. The illustrations are goofily delightful and loaded with fun. 

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