Lentil Soup Carole Tremblay, Maurèen Poignonec, (Illustrations) & Charles Simard (Translation)

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. The English version will be released October 12, 2021 by Orca Book Publishers.

This delightful picture book tells the story of two brothers. When they sit down to eat some lentil soup, the younger one wants to know where it comes from. His older sibling gives him four multiple choice options. 

The soup is still too hot to eat so the little brother continues asking questions. He wants to know what's in the soup? Where does it come from? How does it grow? Why is is called that? His brother continues answering his queries - sometimes with more multiple choice answers and other times more directly. Eventually, the younger one starts answering them with his own wild surmises. 

I like a lot about this book.

I like that it is full of information about where food comes from and how it grows. It is loaded with humour - both in the story and in the illustrations. The multiple choice responses provide an interactive quality for readers. To crown it all off, there is a recipe in the back matter. 

I wish I knew more about Maurèen Poignonec's art. I love the gentle palette of pastel colours. Her cartoonish characters are adorable.

The book is available in both English and French so it's perfect for bilingual and French Canadian children. While you have to wait for October to read the English version, It was first published in French in March 2018. You might be able to find a copy of it now. 

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