
#IMWAYR November 26, 2018

#IMWAYR time again, when readers share what they have been reading and find out what others have been up to in the past week. Kathryn hosts the adult version of this meme at Book Date. Jen at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki at Unleashing Readers host the kidlit rendition. Whatever you are looking forward to in your next great read, these are fabulous places to start your search.

I'm following the lead of Shaye at The Miller Memo, so if you clink on the title link for each book, it will take you to the GoodReads page for that book.

It's getting close to the Christmas season so I'm busy working on projects and going to craft fairs just for the fun of it. I've finished piecing the quilt I was working on and am trying to decide if I want to quilt it myself or send it off. It's all about time...

I have discovered and been watching Anne of Green Gables on Netflix. I read all the novels in my late teens and twenties. Did you know that the first book was published in 1908? I'm not really sure how I feel about this version as it seems darker than the books, but I'll probably watch another episode before abandoning it. Maybe I'll just end up going back and watching the CBC production and or reread the books!


5 stars

Willow is a good witch who uses only good magic. In this version of the classic tale, Hansel and Gretel are two despicable children who would try the patience of a saint. By the end I’m sure you will agree they get what they deserve!

5 stars

I adore that this book shows us how straightforward it is to stand against fear and hate. Kindness and acceptance are such simple things that make a profound difference in all parts of our world.

4 stars

Abbie Cameron's gorgeous illustrations highlight Nicola Davis rhyming text in this homage to all kinds of birds. The rhyme mostly worked for me and I appreciated the places where the poem morphed into concrete format.

4 stars

I fell head over heels for this book on the first page with these lines:
"The speckled horse made his way through the field, softly, trying not to step on any insects of worms.
After all, he wouldn't have wanted anyone to step on him."
This is a deeply philosophical book about finding our place in an interconnected world.
Clare Rojas art is gorgeous!

3 1/2 stars

I like the idea of this book more than how it works with my seventeen month granddaughter. She loved the front cover but couldn't make the connection to the imaginary building. Unfortunately our library copy is not a board book like the other Leslie Patricelli books we have come to love. We'll try this again when she is older.

5 stars

Three times I've gone through this book. Each time I find something I missed and end up appreciating it more. It's an homage to the power of libraries, but even more, its overflowing with the power of love.

4 stars

When the darkness comes to his land, Marwan and others have to leave. It's filled with sadness and loss as all he carries with him of his Mommy is a photograph. At the same time there is resilience and hope as he dreams of returning home and rebuilding when the darkness is gone.
This is an important book to pair up with The Day the War Came by Nicola Davies.


4 stars

If my mother was alive still, she would be a couple of years older than Margaret Hamilton. While Mom was busy raising a brood of children, Margaret was programming how to get to the moon. My mom could never have envisioned that kind of reality for herself but Margaret’s story is now here to inspire girls today. I’m so glad it is.


4 stars

This is the second Susin Nielsen book I've read this fall. I love, love, love her writing. I especially appreciate that her work is set here in my hometown so I can envision her characters in places I know. Petula De Wilde, Jacob and the rest of their art therapy group have all kinds of difficult issues to deal with. Petula is full of anxiety and guilt after her baby sister's death. Jacob has just moved to Vancouver from Toronto to escape from his own secret tragedy. They all end up helping each other; even Jacob, when his story finally comes out. This is more of a YA book than an elementary title since the romantic relationship between Petula and Jacob includes (very positive) sexual activity.


4 stars

I think I liked this even better than Honor Girl. It's sort of a continuation of her memoir, but this one is full of magic and mystery. A lot is going on at many different levels. Perhaps because there are fewer characters, I appreciated Maggie Thrash's stylistic art work in this one more fully.
When Maggie's cat goes missing in her house, she ends up meeting a strange kind of ghost boy. As the story unfolded, I wondered a lot about the relationship between the two events, and you will too. It probably won't be what you think.
I don't want to spoil the story for you, but these lines on pages 160 - 161 echo a profound truth: “There’s a part of you that dies when you grow up. A ghost you have to leave behind.”


I was listening to Transcription by Kate Atkinson as fast as I could, but ended up being called in to work and my audiobook expired with just 90 minutes left. It's going to take me months to get it again! I thought maybe the book would be faster but the reserve list for those is very long too. I did find a fast read ebook so I'm trying to finish up with that. It's probably a good thing since I can skim over all the really scary bits anyway! I'm about half way through Elephant Secret by Eric Walters and am now listening to The Parker Inheritance by by Varian Johnson.


I have a pile of fabulous books from the library and I have no idea how I will find time to get to all of them.


#MustReadIn2018 23/25

#MustReadNFIn2018 12/12

25 Books by Canadian Indigenous Authors 24/25

Goodreads Reading Challenge 399/333


  1. I love what you said about Dreamers -- about find something you missed each time to re-read. I haven't read this one, yet, but I'm hoping to get a copy soon. I also like your description of Hansel and Gretel. This looks like a good one! Thanks so much for your review and the new-to-me titles, Cheriee! I need to go look some of these up.

    1. Dreamers is all about the art. Each time I go back I find more to adore and get lost in. Hope you enjoy this version of Hansel and Gretel. I'm looking forward to reading more Bethan Woollvin picture books!

  2. You have several picture books I have been meaning to pick up including Dreamers, Hansel and Gretel and Come With Me. I enjoyed Elephant Secret and need to pick up a Susin Nielsen book, I have a couple that I haven't read yet. I also have a copy of The Parker Inheritance that I have been meaning to read. Thanks for the great list of books to add (as usual).

    1. I have become a Bethan Woollvin fan after reading Hansel and Gretel. It's quite the secret in Elephant Secret isn't it? I am enjoying The Parker Inheritance much more than I expected to.

  3. I love Dreamers, too, Cheriee. Thanks for the picture books, including We Need A Horse & The Word Bird, both new to me. I love that you're reading the book that's set in your hometown, lots of fun. And, the Hansel and Gretel, new take on it? It will be interesting to read that one. Thank you!

    1. As soon as I finished Bethan Woollvin's Hansel and Gretel I went to my library and discovered that she has two other versions of fairytale that I immediately put holds on. I think you will enjoy both of those other picture books too Linda.

  4. Lost Soul Be at Peace is in my stack to read this week. I had such a phenomenal week of graphic novel reading that I'm almost hesitant to start any new ones because nothing can be as good as what I've been reading!! I am so glad that you fell for We Need a Horse. I ADORE that book and wish it were better known. Also, I want to buy a copy just to cut up and frame for the art! I'm not familiar with Susin Nielsen, but I love that cover and the story sounds fascinating, so I'll add her to my list--if I ever finish all the graphic novels! I read Dreamers to my preservice teachers last week. I admired it greatly but didn't fall in love with it in quite the way I was expecting. I'll have to reread more slowly.

    1. I raced over to your blog to read about the graphic novels you have been reading before coming back. It was probably you who turned me onto We Need a Horse and I thank you for that. I think the thing about Dreamers is in the artwork. The more time I took to savour it, the more in awe I became.

  5. Thanks so much for the Netflix tip - Anne of Green Gables sounds awesome and I'm always looking for something new to watch. You've got some good books on your list, I definitely want to look for Hansel and Gretel! Thanks for sharing and have a good week!

    1. I'll be looking forward to reading what you think of this take on Anne. I really do think the darkness interferes with the upbeat hopefulness that the Anne books embody.

  6. I read all the Anne books growing up, but hadn't really thought about them for a while, until we visited PEI for the first time this summer, and it was all Anne, all the time. ;-)

  7. Come with Me is one of my absolute favorites because it reminds us to not lose hope and have faith in each other. I believe Holly & Pascal are collaborating on another book. Can’t wait!

    1. I agree, and it's practical too. That's exciting news about another collaboration.

  8. I want to get Lost Soul. I enjoyed Honor Girl.

  9. I have yet to read a Kate Atkinson novel - I have placed several in my Book Depository wishlist but bought a few other titles first - perhaps I'd gift myself her novels for my birthday next year! Been hearing only nothing but positive reviews. Lost Soul Be At Peace - I am now stacking in my goodreads to find-list. :) I loved Dreamers too! And Marwan's Journey - which I will be featuring sometime in January! :)
